Virtual Reality Conference, IEEE


To enhance presence, facilitate sensory motor performance, and avoid disorientation or nausea, virtual- reality applications require the percept of stable environment. End-end tracking latency (display lag) degrades this illusion of stability and has been identified as major fault of existing virtual-environment systems. Oscillopsia refers to the perception that the visual world appears to swim about or oscillate in space and is a manifestation of this loss of perceptual stability of the environment. In this paper, the effects of end-end latency and head velocity on perceptual stability in a virtual environment were investigated psychophysically. Subjects became significantly more likely to report oscillopsia during head movements when end-end latency or head velocity were increased. It is concluded that perceptual instability of the world rises with increased head motion and increased display lag.Oscillopsia is expected to be more apparent in tasks requiring real locomotion or rapid head movement.