Web Abstract: In this paper we present a haptic interface dedicated to endoscopic training, where the endoscope is allowed to react to contact forces along six degrees of freedom. The model takes into account end point position and appropriate contact forces. The illusion of physical movement inside the environment is obtained by computing control inputs based on impedance environment. Then, the user can manipulate and react with the virtual simulated environment. The LRP Haptic Impedance System (HIS), is a desk-top force feedback system that provides six degrees of freedom (DOF) force and torque sensing capabilities along the motion directions. A six-DOF force sensor is placed directly between the handle and the top of Stewart platform and is electrically connected to the controller via the A/D board converter. Three basic experiments were designed in order to investigate operator's ability to control and minimize the interaction forces between the tool end effector and a stiff surface during executing endoscopic primitive.