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36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the

Jan. 6 2003 to Jan. 9 2003

Big Island, Hawaii

ISBN: 0-7695-1874-5


Table of Contents

Track Introduction
Introduction to the Emerging Technology TrackFreely available from IEEE.pp. 123
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot InteractionFreely available from IEEE.pp. 124
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Theory and Evaluation of Human Robot InteractionsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 125a
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
World Embedded Interfaces for Human-Robot InteractionFreely available from IEEE.pp. 125b
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Human-Robot Interaction for Intelligent Assisted Viewing During TeleoperationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 125c
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Linking Perception and Action in a Control Architecture for Human-Robot DomainsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 126a
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
An Agent-Based Architecture for an Adaptive Human-Robot InterfaceFreely available from IEEE.pp. 126b
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Wireless Sensor Placement For Reliable and Efficient Data CollectionFreely available from IEEE.pp. 127b
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Using Context for Supporting Users EfficientlyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 127c
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Augmented Cognition: Allocation of AttentionFreely available from IEEE.pp. 128a
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
An Integrated Multimedia Environment for Speech Recognition Using Handwriting and Written GesturesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 128b
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Speech "Re-Cognition"? Investigating Speech as a Cognition-Augmenting ModalityFreely available from IEEE.pp. 128c
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Methodological Issues of Real Time Data Acquisition from Multiple Sources of Physiological DataFreely available from IEEE.pp. 129a
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
User Identification Based on the Analysis of the Forces Applied by a User to a Computer MouseFreely available from IEEE.pp. 130a
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Measuring Cognitive Load with EventStream Software FrameworkFreely available from IEEE.pp. 131b
Augmented Cognition and Human-Robot Interaction (ETACH)
Research on Task Complexity as a Foundation for Augmented CognitionFreely available from IEEE.pp. 132
IT-Enabled Management of Government (e-Gov-Management) (ETEGM)
Information Technology and Public Administration-IT-enabled Management of Government(e-Gov-Management)) MinitrackFreely available from IEEE.pp. 133
IT-Enabled Management of Government (e-Gov-Management) (ETEGM)
Can IT Help Government to Restore Public Trust?: Declining Public Trust and Potential Prospects of IT in the Public SectorFreely available from IEEE.pp. 134a
IT-Enabled Management of Government (e-Gov-Management) (ETEGM)
"SMART" GOVERNMENT IN LESS-ADVANTAGED COMMUNITY: Meeting the Challenges In Imperial CountyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 134b
IT-Enabled Management of Government (e-Gov-Management) (ETEGM)
Electronic Government at the Grass Roots: Contemporary Evidence and Future TrendsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 134c
IT-Enabled Management of Government (e-Gov-Management) (ETEGM)
The Importance of Articulation Work to Agency Content Management: Balancing Publication and ControlFreely available from IEEE.pp. 135b
IT-Enabled Management of Government (e-Gov-Management) (ETEGM)
Towards an Ontology for e-Document Management in Public Administration - the Case of Schleswig-HolsteinFreely available from IEEE.pp. 136a
IT-Enabled Management of Government (e-Gov-Management) (ETEGM)
E-government: A Special Case of ICT-enabled Business Process ChangeFreely available from IEEE.pp. 136b
Policy for IT-Enabled Public Administration (e-Policy) (ETEPO)
Information Technology and Public Administration – Policy for IT-Enabled Public AdministrationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 138
Policy for IT-Enabled Public Administration (e-Policy) (ETEPO)
Public Attitudes towards a National Identity "Smart Card:" Privacy and Security ConcernsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 139a
Policy for IT-Enabled Public Administration (e-Policy) (ETEPO)
Electronic Government: Perspectives and Pitfalls of Online Administrative ProcedureFreely available from IEEE.pp. 139b
Policy for IT-Enabled Public Administration (e-Policy) (ETEPO)
The Research on the Policy Information System: A Case Study of National Health Insurance Policy in TaiwanFreely available from IEEE.pp. 139c
Policy for IT-Enabled Public Administration (e-Policy) (ETEPO)
Bridging the Digital Divide: The Story of the Free Internet Initiative in LaGrange, GeorgiaFreely available from IEEE.pp. 140b
Policy for IT-Enabled Public Administration (e-Policy) (ETEPO)
Avoiding Information Overload - A Study on Individual?s Use of Communication ToolsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 140c
IT-Enabled Democracy (e-Democracy) (ETEDE)
Information Technology and Public Administration Minitrack IT-enabled Democracy (e-Democracy)Freely available from IEEE.pp. 141
IT-Enabled Democracy (e-Democracy) (ETEDE)
Electronic Voting: Algorithmic and Implementation IssuesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 142a
IT-Enabled Democracy (e-Democracy) (ETEDE)
Democracy Functions of Information TechnologyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 142b
IT-Enabled Democracy (e-Democracy) (ETEDE)
The Web of Governance and Democratic AccountabilityFreely available from IEEE.pp. 143b
IT-Enabled Democracy (e-Democracy) (ETEDE)
Internet Use, Transparency, and Interactivity Effects on Trust in GovernmentFreely available from IEEE.pp. 144a
IT-Enabled Democracy (e-Democracy) (ETEDE)
Using Mobile Technology to Support eDemocracyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 144b
IT-Enabled Governmental Services (e-Gov-Services) (ETEGS)
Information Technology and Public Administration IT-enabled Government Services (e-Gov-Services) MinitrackFreely available from IEEE.pp. 145
IT-Enabled Governmental Services (e-Gov-Services) (ETEGS)
Designing Government Information Access Programs: A Holistic ApproachFreely available from IEEE.pp. 146a
IT-Enabled Governmental Services (e-Gov-Services) (ETEGS)
The Future of E-Government: A Project of Potential Trends and IssuesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 146b
IT-Enabled Governmental Services (e-Gov-Services) (ETEGS)
New Software Development Paradigms and Possible Adoption for SecurityFreely available from IEEE.pp. 147b
IT-Enabled Governmental Services (e-Gov-Services) (ETEGS)
Usability of E-Government Web-Sites for People with DisabilitiesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 147c
IT-Enabled Governmental Services (e-Gov-Services) (ETEGS)
Towards a Flexible ICT-Architecture for Multi-Channel E-Government Service ProvisioningFreely available from IEEE.pp. 148
Telecommunication and Network Convergence: Theory and Practice (ETTNC)
Telecommunications and Network Convergence: Theory and PracticeFreely available from IEEE.pp. 149
Telecommunication and Network Convergence: Theory and Practice (ETTNC)
Architecture of a Mobile InternetFreely available from IEEE.pp. 150a
Telecommunication and Network Convergence: Theory and Practice (ETTNC)
Convergence Through Solution Interoperability: Case Study of Integrated Telecommunication Design and Incremental DeploymentFreely available from IEEE.pp. 150b
Telecommunication and Network Convergence: Theory and Practice (ETTNC)
Applying a Layered Policy Model to IP Based Voice ServicesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 151
Telecommunication and Network Convergence: Theory and Practice (ETTNC)
A First Person IP over HDSL Case StudyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 152a
Telecommunication and Network Convergence: Theory and Practice (ETTNC)
Simulation Analysis of QoS Enabled Internet Pricing Strategies: Flat Rate Vs. Two-Part TariffFreely available from IEEE.pp. 152b
Telecommunication and Network Convergence: Theory and Practice (ETTNC)
Network Convergence and the NAT/Firewall ProblemsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 152c
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
Introduction to the Web-Based Education (WBE) Diffusion across Disciplines and Global BoundariesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 153
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
A Model for Evaluating Potential WBE InnovationsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 154a
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
Institutionalizing Web Based Education: A Case StudyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 154b
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
Evaluating On-line Learning Platforms: a Case StudyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 154c
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
Is web-based seminar an effective way of learning in adult education?Freely available from IEEE.pp. 155a
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
Effectiveness and Applicability of Internet-Based Training in the Corporation - Case of EgyptFreely available from IEEE.pp. 155b
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
Developing Analytic, Cognitive and Linguistic Skills with an Electronic Negotiation SystemFreely available from IEEE.pp. 156a
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
Virtual Science Centers: A New Genre of Learning in Web-based Promotion of Science EducationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 156b
Web-Based Education (Wbe) Diffussion across Disciplines and Global Boundaries (ETWBE)
Online Assignment Management: An Evolutionary TaleFreely available from IEEE.pp. 156c
Information management and visualizationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 48
Markets and regulationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 51
A first person IP over HDSL case studyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 10 pp.
E-health strategiesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 162
Electronic marketingFreely available from IEEE.pp. 190
Introduction to internet securityFreely available from IEEE.pp. 203
Peer-to-peer (P2P) computingFreely available from IEEE.pp. 217
Personalization management systemsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 221
Measuring IT valueFreely available from IEEE.pp. 245
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