Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
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Bluetooth is a new promising local area wireless technology designed to enable voice and data communication among various electronic devices. We believe that Bluetooth networks will provide reliable, flexible and cost- efficient telecommunication support for the post-deregulation electric power systems. Though not specified in version 1.0 of the Bluetooth specification, communication by way of multi-hop routing (so characteristic of ad hoc networks) within a scatternet will offer a new and exciting extension to this technology. And the topology of such an ad-hoc scatternet would have a significant effect on the overall performance of the network. In this paper we present irBluenetle as a novel and practical scheme for building an efficient scatternet and discuss the basic rules followed by the Bluenet scheme. Two methods are introduced to evaluate the performance of the resulting scatternets base on average shortest-path length and maximum traffic-flows respectively. Finally the effectiveness of the Bluenet scheme is demonstrated through simulations and comparison.

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