Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
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In light of the proliferation of the World Wide Web (web), the future of large database management lies in addressing the problems of sifting through structured data sources (e.g., data warehouses) with the same tools that are used for sifting through unstructured sources (e.g., web). Doing so will enable faster and more specific decision making as well as facilitate reusable decision support components (e.g., a transferable set of decision support rules). The purpose of this paper is to describe a method called 'StarMap' by which users can intelligently and automatically navigate and sift through acquired data and identify information content. StarMap provides a highly customizable, graphical, user-view into acquired data that is integral to the concept of "Personalization of Databases." StarMap provides individual users with the ability to navigate both large organized databases and other unorganized data sources using a tool that is as familiar as a favorite web browser.

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