MASCOTS 2001, Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
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Abstract: Architectures for the design of soft real-time systems typically do not facilitate the use of performance tools that will enable a designer to analyse the performance of the system that is being designed. Intercommunication data areas, whose behaviours are characterised by interaction protocols, are the building blocks of many soft real-time systems. The interaction protocols are grouped into families depending on their reading/writing functionality. In this paper, we present two members belonging to the pool family. These components transfer data among tasks without synchronisation in a non-selective manner. In the basic pool model no task has priority over other tasks whereas in the priority pool model writer tasks have non-preemptive priority over reader tasks. Both queueing models are analysed approximately using a decomposition technique. Basic pool modelling is based on Single-server and Multi-server Semaphore queues. Priority pool modelling is inspired on non-preemptive priority classical analysis.
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