Recently, the digital watermark technique has been proposed to solve the problem about how to authenticate the digital data. Most current researches concern about the robusiness of the techniques. However, the multiple owner deadlock problem remains research issues. This paper uses wavelet packet to calculate the position of the significant wavelet coefficients more precisely and therefore watermark the images much better. We find the significant coefficients in each subband to embed a meaningful watermark. The watermark is permuted randomly for encryption. The random permutation can be viewed as a kind of encryption algorithm like DES(data encryption Standard) or AES(Advanced Encryption standard). The secret key can depend on the hash value of the original image. Also, we use error correction coding to protect the watermark. Visual inspection and statistical detection of the meaningful watermark problem. Based on the experimental results, the proposed scheme is robust against various attacks such as cropping, noise corruption, DCT-based and wavelet-based compression.