Proceedings. Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop On the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems-ECBS 2001
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Abstract: This paper describes characteristics of Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS), and the need for formal undergraduate education of engineers in this discipline. The tasks to be undertaken by CBS engineers are outlined. They form the requirements for the preparation of the ECBS Bachelor program. The paper describes in detail topics/courses specific to the program and lists conventional topics/courses. The paper addresses some of the anticipated problems encountered in the development of the topics/courses. The proposed ECBS Bachelor curriculum is being developed by the Education and Training Working Group of the IEEE Computer Society ECBS Technical Committee. The current report is prepared as a working report to be presented at the ECBS0l conference and as a basis for the discussions of the Working Group during the ECBS0l conference and workshop in Washington. A final version of the curriculum will be published following ECBS0l conference.
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