In this paper we study bus-based and switch-based on-chip networks for an embedded video application, the Smart Camera SoC (system on chip). We analyze network performance and overall system performance in detail. We explore system performance using crossbars with different sizes, fixed size but different numbers of ports, and different numbers of shared memories. We find that network is a performance bottleneck in our design, and the system using an optimized NoC can outperform one using a bus by 132%. Our simulations are based upon recorded real communication traces, which give more accurate system performance. Our study finds that for the Smart Camera system, a 16-bit/port 3x3 crossbar with two shared memories shows 85.7% performance improvement over the bus-based model and also has less maximum network throughput than the bus-based model. This design example illustrates a methodology to quickly and accurately estimate the performance of NoC?s at architecture level.