Computer Animation
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This paper proposes a constructive visual software development system for interactive 3D graphic applications. Our system called the IntelligentBox is an extension of the 2D media construction system IntelligentPad to 3D application systems. While the IntelligentPad represents any object as a pad, i.e., a reactive 2D media component with a card image, which can be manually pasted on another pad to define a compound document the IntelligentBox represents any objects as reactive 3D visual objects that can be combined with other reactive 3D visual objects. Both provide uniform frameworks for the concurrent definition of both geometrical compound structures among reactive objects and their mutually interactive functional linkages. The IntelligentBox allows us to easily combine existing primitives in order to compose various interactive 3D compound objects and their coordination mechanism. It works as a user-friendly rapid-prototyping software development system for interactive 3D graphic applications and computer animations.
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