17th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2003. AINA 2003.
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As a part of propagation characteristics about mobile communication channels, slow fading caused by shadowing not only obeys the lognormal probability density distribution (PDF), but also has an exponential autocorrelation function. Cross-correlation of shadowing process between uplink and downlink also should be included. Generally only probability distribution of slow fading is considered in modeling of mobile communication channels, but not the power spectral density (PSD) or cross-power spectrum. An accurate correlation/probability model for shadow fading is of vital importance for both analytical and simulation based evaluation of any power control and handover scheme. The paper proposed a method to generate the slow fading random process with specified PDF/PSD for the first time. The applications of the method are introduced in brief. Theoretic analysis has been given to prove the validation of the method. And simulation steps are described. The simulation results show the method works well.
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